365 | 365!!!

365 | 365!!!
365 | 365!!!, a photo by kelsimad on Flickr.

Olympus E-500
Zuiko 50mm f/1.8
Photoshop CS2

Ethan & Brooke ready for the New Years dance. (It’s his first date!)

Can you believe this year is over?!! I have very mixed feelings about its end. It has been fun participating in and completing a 365 Project. I’ve enjoyed the challenge very much but these last few weeks have been very challenging. It’s probably because I’m not in school so I’m home for most of the day and taking a photo in the house is no fun. My lens does a much better job out in natural daylight.

I’m happy for the break from worrying about a daily picture but I hope to keep the habit of taking pictures regularly. I will however be posting back on my regular blog instead of here, unless I lose my mind and decide to do another 365 someday down the road.

So thanks for following along and Happy New Year everyone!!

2 thoughts on “365 | 365!!!

  1. WOOHOO, congratulations on finishing the year!!!! I’m really impressed that you completed it, I’m awful at projects like this. It was fun following along!

Tell me what you think.